Merry Christmas!

Christmas is truly one of my favorite festivals in this World. I don’t know if it’s due to the wonderful weather, everyone decked up in woolen clothes, the festivities all around or maybe just the ending of a year and the promise of a wonderful new one. Along with that, there is a promise of a fresh beginning and maybe even enjoying the introspective mood about how good or bad we all have been throughout the entire year.


Or it could be due to the fact that when I was a child, I studied in a Convent school. We celebrated Christmas in a grand fashion! I also remember my father putting on old Hollywood classics on our tv set and us enjoying them thoroughly. And of course, the yummy treats we got – cookies and cakes and everything nice about this season – made it even more special!


We had this Church behind our school building, and I used to often sneak out to read the beautifully illustrated Bible. I even missed some of my classes. And this was when I was very young, in the 2nd or 3rd standard I think. I just felt a wonderful sense of calm and ease in the Church…and in almost all Churches I have visited in my life.


I am of a different faith and even then, something attracts me to Churches and Christmas! Maybe it’s a past life thing? I know people might roll their eyes and call this Cuckoo. However, I don’t believe in knocking down a possibility, just because I don’t have empirical evidence right now to disprove it. Either way, I simply adore this festival.


I also found this from the Google home page. I think it’s pretty cool! 🙂

And I hope that everyone has a great Xmas and a Happy New Year!


Coming Out!

I recently released a video for my web series on sexuality and gender on ‘Coming Out of the Closet’. I have tried to incorporate all the angles to the discussion and also shared some tips for people who might be thinking about coming out.

However, I do realize that there can not be a standard convention or rule when it comes to being out and open about one’s gender identity or sexual orientation – everyone’s experience is unique. Also, there should be no pressure on someone to disclose their identity if they find themselves in a vulnerable situation. In certain regions, hetero normativity is the only accepted viewpoint and this can make certain decisions tough for some people in the society.


Je t’aime

Today is Valentine’s Day. The day when love is (officially?) celebrated – St. Valentine is commemorated today. I personally think that this is a sweet reminder of the power of love. aieoLG5xT

I do agree that off late this day has been commercialized a lot – but then again, even the purest of emotion – that being of love – has been used by the music, film, and writing industries to sell their stuff to the public. Everything in this World is now seen as a commodity. Even social movements , for that matter – have lost their radical touch – and the ‘NGO’ ization of resistance and dissent has converted these movements into money making enterprises for some people.

I believe that one should always look at the positive side of things. Just because people think it is cool to diss something – does not make me want to participate as well. Love is an emotion that is often mocked or deemed useless in the society. However, to me, it is one of the most powerful thing ever. Anything that is associated with love – whether it is symbolic or otherwise – I hold in high esteem. I  appreciate Valentine’s Day as it makes me think about the people who I truly care and love in this World. And it is an important exercise in self love too. For who else has known, lived and loved me more than me, myself? So I make sure that I treat myself with more respect and care today than I usually do.

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. I hope people who are with their sweethearts, romantic soulmates, etc. – are enjoying this day to the fullest.




I have been angry for too long. Don’t want to hold onto thoughts that do not serve me anymore. I am not saying this because I have become complacent or numb due to whatever pain I was feeling, but because I have suddenly realized that holding onto anger is a lost cause. There is so much wisdom in this one saying by Gautama Buddha :

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

I am letting go of all the pain. I am dropping all those thoughts that make me unhappy and sad.

I realize that we all have a choice. At every point in our lives. We can choose happiness at any moment. It is that simple. And the Universe will correspond to which path we choose for ourselves. It really is THAT simple!

I choose happiness. I choose joy. I choose abundance. I choose myself.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Image credit: Jill Wellington

Launch of sexuality booklets

The Gender Studies Group in Delhi University recently launched four FAQ booklets on sexuality. I attended the event and wrote a report for Feminism in India.

According to their blog, the Gender Studies Group (GSG), Delhi University is an independent, non-funded, University-wide student group committed to reading, writing and thinking about gender.



Some thoughts on loving oneself

A lot of spiritual gurus have talked about how self love is the only path to true happiness and enlightenment. It is true that unless people love themselves, it would be difficult to appreciate others around them.

But what exactly does loving oneself entail? What are the everyday practices that can help someone tap into the inner power and strength and undo the harm that years of self neglect may have done to their body,mind and soul?

One of the first things to do would be to completely accept oneself. A big part of this involves letting go of things that may seem out of one’s control and learning to forgive oneself. People are sometimes very hard on themselves and this can lead to an impaired self esteem. The most important thing is to recognize that making mistakes can be a very real part of being a human.As long as we are able to understand and learn from the lessons that emerge, we are definitely moving ahead in our spiritual journeys.

Inculcating some good habits also helps us love ourselves more. They keep our minds busy and can often feed in to a more productive lifestyle. The idea is to find something that makes our souls sing! What is your passion? What inspires you? Reflect on these questions for a while. Think about what makes you happy and fulfilled. Is it being close to nature? Writing in your personal dairy? Maintaining a gratitude journal?  Try to do things that help you harness the positive energy within yourself and add purpose to your life.

Meditation is another way of staying in tune with your inner self. Nowadays, we tend to get distracted by technology. Our attention spans have reduced a lot and we find it very difficult to be fully present in any given moment. Meditation helps you go deep within and is a great way to reduce the anxiety we might feel due to outside noise and clutter. You can start small and dedicate 10 minutes to yourself everyday. Choose any corner in your house that feels peaceful and try different time schedules to see which one suits you the best. Personally, I like meditating in the evening as i find it very calming.

In the end, our relationships with others can only stay good if we learn to truly love and care for ourselves. Only a person who understands this will be respectful, kind and compassionate towards others. When you practice self love, you will be mindful of your own boundaries and never trespass on anyone else’s. You will never over think your communication with others because you will be secure in your own belief system and values. All this will give you a lot of confidence and you will enjoy your own company without being cocky and arrogant. And most importantly, you will finally realize what bliss is!

It is my hope and wish for anyone who is reading this post right now that you realize what a lovely creation you are! =) ❤

Featured image credit: Daniel Nanescu


Of romantic disappointment,importance of trusting intuition and seeking closure

Life often keeps sending you signals as to what is the right course of action. It is very important to pay heed to our precious intuition, especially if it concerns  an emotional and/or romantic relationship. This is because when people emotionally invest in something, they are sure about their own feelings and good intentions but it is absolutely impossible to gauge what the other person thinks or feels about you. Therefore, paying close attention to signs that reflect abuse, violence, indifference,partner neglect etc is very important.

Misunderstandings in relationships are quite common and can happen due to a lot of reasons.It is very important to give people, especially people you love and care about, the benefit of doubt. But, if it is something that you keep doing again and again, then maybe it is time to re evaluate what your needs are and how this particular relationship fails to fulfill them. Women are often socialized from a young age to be the martyrs in a relationship, where they are expected to unconditionally love and accept their partners. ‘Need’ then becomes a very tricky term and is seen as an undesirable quality. And so, women are taught to deny their wants and desires. Encouraged to create false versions of themselves. As the wonderful Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said, “We raise girls to cater to the fragile  egos of men. We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We tell girls ‘you can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful, otherwise you will threaten the man……We teach girls shame – close your legs, cover yourself!! We make them feel as though by being born female they’re already guilty of something.  And so girls grow up to be a woman who cannot see they have desire.  They grow up to be women who silence themselves. They grow up to be women who cannot say what they truly think. And they grow up – and this is the worst thing we do to girls – they grow up to be women who turn pretense into an art form.”

While it is important to acknowledge the importance of selfless love, we also need to recognize that in a patriarchal culture, it is usually women who are expected to act as self sacrificing figures inside a family or in a romantic relationship. What these popular notions of ‘true’ and ‘unconditional’ love and romance do is create gender based expectations for relationships that are quite unfair and unequal in nature.

I have been hurt in the past. I know what it means to put yourself out there for someone and then watch it crash and burn in front of you. I have been crippled emotionally and so much so, that I found it difficult to stop my tears for hours and sometimes, even days. I guess the worst act of self hatred I committed (At least that’s what it seems like in retrospect) was that I blamed myself entirely for the way a particular relationship or friendship ended. Everything seemed to be good in the beginning and then when things started to go wrong, I felt so lost and confused. Was voicing my opinions very un-‘lady’ like? Am I supposed to bottle up my true feelings? I myself have been very impatient when it comes to relationship mind games and also been brutally honest about my feelings at all points in time. How can people not be their true authentic selves, I wondered. And then it hit me, if me being myself is something that goes against the popular dictates of how a desirable woman needs to act, then I would rather not be in such a toxic relationship.

I have also encountered what is termed as ‘gas lighting’, a sort of emotional abuse that is (not surprisingly) very common in society. How many times has it happened that a woman calls out her partner’s behavior for being the primary reason behind her anger and disappointment and he turns it around and puts it on her by saying that she misunderstood the situation and/or is simply over reacting. Let me tell you something ladies, you KNOW when you are being taken for a ride, you KNOW when you are being disrespected. Believe in yourself. There should be enough space for open and honest conversations within your relationship and if that is lacking, take it as a warning signal early on. Do not let anyone tell you that your emotions do not matter. Do not be afraid to let someone leave – trust me, I have been there and I know how painful it is when someone who you thought was your closest friend and companion, turns out to be completely oblivious to your pain and suffering. But, let it go. LET IT GO.

Please do yourself a huge favor and simply let it go. This is not a relationship worth having. Stop investing your time and effort. Cut your losses and move on. And most of all, do not deny your actual self that needs looking after. That nagging voice in your head that kept saying that a particular person isn’t treating you right….well maybe, the voice was correct all along! Take out time and listen to your intuition. Only you know whether or not you have been a good partner during the entire course of a relationship. And if you have been loving and caring towards someone, you deserve the same love and care back. Yes, let me repeat this. YOU DESERVE IT! Do not let society tell you that you need to push back your feelings of unhappiness and play the role of the ‘giver’ all the time. Yes, give as much as you want, love as much as you want, but make sure you aren’t dissatisfied with your relationship. Only you and your partner get to decide what the rules of the relationship are. And if you aren’t happy, leave. Start afresh.

You owe yourself a fresh start. You owe yourself the best love story there ever is. However, this can only happen when you truly start loving yourself.You need to distance yourself from the source of your pain, no matter how impossible it may seem right now. Time truly is a great healer. Take my word for it 🙂

And this post is me telling you that the Universe loves and appreciates your existence.I appreciate your existence ❤ ❤

Featured image credit : Ryan McGuire

Blog update, IWD and more!


I have sort of revamped the blog today! So …yay! 🙂 Made some changes to the blog theme as well as added two-three new sections.

Last week I got to attend the International Women’s Day (IWD) event in New Delhi called Aath March, Saath March. It was quite interesting to see a lot of women’s organizations and several individuals come together at the rally (from Rajiv Chowk metro station to Jantar Mantar) and the two hour long programme  at Jantar Mantar.

‘Aath March, Saath March’ poster

We know that neo liberalization is slowly turning  majority of the citizens in the State into potential consumers. And it is extremely sad to see days like IWD being appropriated for economic gains by big corporations (similar to Valentine’s Day). So, the IWD Delhi event was an attempt to reclaim the political message behind the day. It was also a nice way of celebrating the gains of the women’s movement in the country.

I have recently started reading Eckhart Tolle books lately. He writes a lot about the importance of mindfulness. I plan to finish ‘A New Earth‘ by next weekend.