Women and makeup

The cosmetics and makeup industry all over the World is huge! Personally, I love make up since I feel it allows a person to openly express his/her own individual style.In a way,it really is an art,because if you don’t know how to do handle make up properly,it might end up looking garish.

Unfortunately,instead of a mere personal indulgence as it earlier was,nowadays make up is seen to be a necessity for women (and sometimes teenagers as well). Women are expected to be dressed and dolled up on a daily level,which can not only be tiring for some but it also forces people to adhere to a particular routine.Cosmetics and costly make up products feed into an obsessive culture of consumerism.Make up can be seen as reflecting the middle class aspirations for many Indian women who like to buy International brands because it brings a certain status to them.

I would like to explicitly point out that there are certain women who like to use make up everyday by choice.This is completely okay,since their agency is involved.But what is not okay is the idea that a woman cannot not use these products and be happy with herself the way she is.It should be the woman’s decision as to how she needs to present herself to the World,with or without makeup.Young girls and women nowadays face extreme body image issues since they are taught to dislike their natural self.The constant self surveillance measures they use are harmful to their body images.

Another problem I have with the cosmetics industry is with regards to the effectiveness of the products.Many researchers have found that manipulating the consumer psychology plays a big role in the marketing and selling of the make up and cosmetics.In fact,a lot of the products’ effectiveness is questionable and it has been found that the heavy chemicals used can sometimes end up harming the facial skin (which by the way,is a lot more sensitive than the rest of the body). Herbal and Ayurvedic remedies for the skin work better in most cases.A research conducted by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology has found that cosmetics predominantly work on the “feel good” factor,i.e. a lot of women buy make up not because they find them useful but because it makes them feel good about themselves.The reasons for this could be the ones mentioned before in the article.

The unrealistic media representation of women leads to many problematic attitudes such as body shaming,fat shaming,anorexia,etc. Again, I would like to stress on the fact that the make up industry in itself is not the problem.In fact it is a popular misconception that it is anti feminist,which it is not! But if the society dictates that women cannot go out without using these products ,it simply adds to the growing list of body issues that women already have.And then,self love and acceptance go right out of the window!


1.Green,L. [lacigreen] . (2011,February 12) . Makeup madness. [Video file] . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHJjsB6L-b4

2.Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. (2011, July 22). Do we buy cosmetics because they are useful or because they make us feel good?. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 27, 2014 from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/110721095846.htm

3.Jones,T. (2012, October 1). Beauty NOT skin deep. Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2211302/Beauty-NOT-skin-deep-New-research-shows-expensive-cosmetic-creams-penetrate-skin-repair-within.html

2 thoughts on “Women and makeup

  1. You picked up a very relevant topic Makeup ::: Its such a thing that started out of choice has become a necessity kind of thing. Working in an IT industry , I am often asked or forced by my collegue to put up some makeup , sometimes i love using makeup but there are many days when i just dnt want my skin to betouched by any makeup ,how you dressup , makeup all has started effecting your professional life. People who come in makeup well dressed often get higher rating than people with no makeup…. Trends needs to be changed …


    1. Thank you for your comment. 🙂
      And yes,the issue isn’t really about using makeup or the cosmetic industry per se. It’s about the expectations and norms that are tied to one’s gender.These need to be questioned. As a person,I should have the choice to say yes or no to something.

      Liked by 1 person

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